Monday, March 10, 2014

FEU-NRMF interview college of medicine experience

Hello there~ I would like to share to you guys my experience about my interview in FEU.
Well the interview itself was quite OK, actually this is my first interview in applying for medical school. 
When I went to the institution for my interview I'm pretty late I guess 10 minutes late. You see, my house is really far and It takes 2 hours to travel from my place to Fairview when you commute. So I make sure to wake up early that day around 4am I'm up already and I leave my house around 4:30am. yes, 30 mins preparation! hehe 
 If I could remember the call time was 7 am because there will be an orientation before the actual interview. So I arrived at 7:10am. When I arrived there I thought that it will not start immediately because I believe in "Filipino Time" sino bang hindi? hehe well I'm wrong. I'm the 327 applicant that arrived that day. yes, 327??!! I'm really quite impressed for those applicants that arrived very early on the said time. They said that the first 50 applicants arrived around 4am!!. haha shocking right???! adik lang hahah. Well you can really see who are the people that are really determined.
The orientation starts on the said schedule and last for an hour I guess. Then during the orientation they give us tips on how are we going to deliver ourselves to the interviewers. They said that 4 applicants in 2 doctors in one room that will last 10mins if I'm not mistaking. Good thing that Im with my friend that day. 
The questions of the interviewers were the typical "tell me about yourself", "why medicine?" and "if you're not given the chance to be a doctor what profession will you pursue?". The interviewers were very accommodating. They're really not that strict whether you're speaking in tagalog or in English as long as you show your motives. Take note, they can tell if you're memorizing a line in your head. So just be yourself . Kami nga ng friend ko nag tagalog lang as long as you're really being true to yourself and not being pushed to enter this profession everything will go smoothly.
Another thing is that wear comfortable "business attire" ok? as I said a while ago, the interview will last 10 mins. I noticed that day that some applicants over dressed themselves. Don't wear too comfortable attire as well. I also noticed that some guys are wearing casual attire like jeans and a shirt. While, female applicants are wearing high heels shoes and really short skirts.  Besides, it's not appropriate wearing that kind of outfit you don't want your interviewer looking at those legs right?. You need to dress professionally and separate your social image from your professional presence.
So that's all, I hope that somehow I enlighten you guys. Thank you for dropping

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